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Kuskokwim Public Broadcasting Corporation Board Members: (as of 10/21/2023)
President: Candace Waruch - Seat D (2025)
Vice President: Christine Harrington - Seat A (2024)
Secretary: Ruby Egrass - Seat G (2025)
Board Member: Rosalie Egrass - Seat B (2024)
Board Member: Balassa Alexie - Seat F (2026)
Board Member: Jade Paterson - Seat E  (2026)
Board Member: Megan Doucet -Seat C (2024)

The next Kuskokwim Public Broadcasting Corporation regular board meeting will be December 6, 2023 at 5:30pm. The public is invited to participate in person at KSKO Station in McGrath, or by telephone conference by calling (605) 562-8400 and entering pin number: 9823528#

Committee Members

Fundraising: Christine Harrington, Rosalie Egrass, Candace Waruch, Jade Paterson, Balassa Alexie

Long Range Planning: Ruby Egrass, Megan Doucet

Personnel/Administrative Policy: Christine Harrington, Candace Waruch.

Citizen Advisory Board: The CAB reviews programming goals, services and significant program changes and advises KPBC of their recommendations. Vice President acts as ex-officio member, Program director coordinates activity. Current CAB members: LaRae Gray, Mike Tierney, Hayley Batt and Paul Walker Jr. 

Election: As determined by Board President, per Articles of Incorporation. 

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